Brief Biography
Dr. Xiao is currently an Associate Professor at Southeast University, China, and serves as the Vice
Director of the JiangSu Provincial Key Laboratory of Computer Network Technology (JSCNTL, 江苏省计算机网络技术重点实验室). He received his Ph.D. in 2011 from the Department of Computing at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Afterwards, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Computer Science Department at Georgia State University and later at University of Florida. In May 2014, he joined Southeast University as an Assistant Professor, and later was promoted to an Associate Professor.
His research interests include network streaming big data mining, frequent pattern mining,
streaming graph mining, sequence deep learning, and graph deep learning, along with their
applications in high-speed network traffic measurement, encrypted traffic behavior analysis,
and service log anomaly detection.
Ph.D. and M.Sc. Opportunity: We are looking for good candidates to conduct research about high-speed network traffic measurement, encrypted network traffic analysis, and service log anomaly detection. Please do not hesitate to send me your résumé if you are interested to join our laboratory.
- 招收博士/硕士研究生: 实验室关注如下科研方向 --- 网络流式大数据挖掘、频繁模式挖掘、流图挖掘、序列深度学习、图深度学习等理论方法,以及在高速网络流量测量、加密流量行为分析、服务日志异常检测等领域的应用。实验室已搭建好万兆数据中心网、网络行为和日志数据集、大数据分析平台,以及Nvidia GeForce RTX3090的机器学习平台,供大家研究使用。感兴趣加入的同学请发送个人简历、项目经历和文章列表。
Latest News
- [2024-08-03] A paper named “A universal sketch for estimating heavy hitters and per-element frequency moments in data streams with bounded deletions” is accepted by ACM SIGMOD (CCF A).
- [2024-07-02] A paper named “Unbiasedly estimate temporal Katz centrality and identify top-K vertices in streaming graph” is accepted by APWebWAIM (CCF C), Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
- [2023-11-08] A paper named “Finding recently persistent flows in high-speed packet streams based on cuckoo filter” is accepted by Elsevier Computer Networks (CCF B).
- [2023-10-05] A paper named “A generic sketch for estimating super-spreaders and per-flow cardinality distribution in high-speed data streams” is accepted by Elsevier Computer Networks (CCF B).
- [2023-07-30] A paper “Bucket-level elastic cuckoo filter based on consistent hashing with higher memory efficiency” is accepted by IEEE ICNP (CCF B).
- [2023-05-05] A paper “Multi-resolution odd sketch for mining extended Jaccard similarity of dynamic streaming sets” is accepted by IEEE TNSE (JCR Q1).
- [2023-04-29] A paper named “Online detection of 1D and 2D hierarchical superspreaders in high-speed networks” is accepted by APNET'23 (CCF C).
- [2023-04-09] A paper named “Accurate and O(1)-time query of per-flow cardinality in high-speed networks” is accepted by IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A).
- [2022-12-25] 网信办网络安全协调局主持的一流网络安全学院建设示范项目稿件接收,标题是“关于国家级网络攻击行为的观察、思考及建议”
- [2022-12-23] A paper “Universal and accurate sketch for estimating heavy hitters and moments in data streams” is accepted by IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A).
- [2022-04-09] A paper “Accurately identify time-decaying heavy hitters by decay-aware cuckoo filter along kicking path” accepted by IEEE IWQoS (CCF B)
- [2021-04-27] A paper “Supporting flow-cardinality queries with O(1) time complexity in high-speed networks”is accepted by IEEE IWQoS (CCF B)
- [2021-01-31] A paper “Multi-resolution odd sketch for mining Jaccard similarities between dynamic streaming sets” is accepted by IEEE CSCWD (CCF C).
- [2019-11-06] A paper “Universal online sketch for tracking heavy hitters and estimating moments of data streams” is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM (CCF A).
- [2019-10-23] A paper “Estimating cardinality for arbitrarily large data stream with improved memory efficiency” is accepted by IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A).
- [2019-03-24] A paper “A memory-compact and fast sketch for online tracking heavy hitters in a data stream” accepted by ACM TURC'19 SIGCOMM China.
- [2019-01-19] "Estimating cardinality of arbitrary expression of multiple tag sets in a distributed RFID system" is accepted by IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A).
- [2018-11-15] "A protocol for simultaneously estimating moments and popular groups in a multigroup RFID system" accepted by IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A).
- [2017-09-07] "Cardinality estimation for elephant flows: A compact solution based on virtual register sharing" is accepted by IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A).
- [2017-05-27] "Adaptive joint estimation protocol for arbitrary pair of tag sets in a distributed RFID system" has been accepted by IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A).
- [2016-11-26] "Better with fewer bits: Improving the performance of cardinality estimation of data streams" was accepted by IEEE INFOCOM'17 (CCF A).
- [2016-09-08] A coauthored book titled "Traffic measurement for big network data" has been accepted for publication on Springer [url].
- [2016-06-06] "Collision-aware churn estimation in large-scale dynamic RFID systems" was accepted by IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A).
- [2016-04-02] "Joint property estimation for multiple RFID tag sets using snapshots of variable lengths" was accepted by ACM MOBIHOC'16 (CCF B).
- [2015-03-09] "Temporally or spatially dispersed joint RFID estimation using snapshots of variable lengths" was accepted by ACM MOBIHOC'15 (CCF B).
- [2015-02-09] "Hyper-compact virtual estimators for big network data based on register sharing" was accepted by ACM SIGMETRICS'15 (CCF B).
- [2014-07-01] "Estimating persistent spreads in high-speed networks" was accepted by IEEE ICNP'14 (CCF B).
Academic Projects
- 2024.01-2028.12: 面向网络群体行为检测的图数据流概要和属性图社区发现理论研究
Southeast University, Principle Investigator: Qingjun Xiao, General Program Grant from National Natural Science Foundation of China (62372106)
- 2022.12-2023.12: 未知网络攻击行为的检测技术研究
项目单位东南大学,2022 年度 CCF-绿盟科技“鲲鹏”科研计划(编号:CCF-NSFOCUS202206),项目主持
- 2021.07-2023.06: 大规模确定性骨干网络架构及关键技术研究
Southeast University, Principle Investigator: Qingjun Xiao, National Key Research and Development Plan (Issue 2020YFB1805204)
- 2020.07-2023.06: High-speed traffic measurement and spatial-temporal behavioral analysis in software-defined networks
Southeast University, Principle Investigator: Qingjun Xiao, Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (Issue BK20201266).
- 2019.01-2022.12: Network streaming big data: Spatial and temporal joint processing, and performance optimization
Southeast University, Principle Investigator: Qingjun Xiao, funded by National Science Foundation of China (Issue 61872080)
- 2016.01-2018.12: Real-time Processing of Network Streaming Data in Temporal and Spatial Domains by Sketch Encoding and Mining
Southeast University, Principle Investigator: Qingjun Xiao, funded by National Science Foundation of China (Issue 61502098)
Southeast University, Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Issue BK20150629) and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Issue 2016M601699)
- 2018.07-2022.06: 物联网与智慧城市安全保障关键技术研究
- 2017.10-2021.09: 面向工业互联网的智能云端协作关键技术及系统
- 2013-2014: Making Online Network Functions Fast and Compact
University of Florida, PI: Prof. Shigang Chen, funded by US NSF (NeTS 1115548), Amount: 400,000 USD,项目参与
- 2013-2014: Dare You Put Your Data in Cloud?
University of Florida, PI: Prof. Shigang Chen, funded by Cisco Systems Inc., Amount: 101,716 USD,项目参与
- 2012-2013: VolcanoSRI: 4D Volcano Tomography in a Large-Scale Sensor Network
Georgia State University, PI: Prof. Wenzhan Song, funded by USA NSF-CDI-1125165, Amount: 1,833,608 USD,项目参与
- 2007-2010: Wireless Sensor Network Localization and Robot Navigation
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PI: Prof. Bin Xiao, funded by HongKong RGC PolyU,项目参与
Academic Awards
- 2024: 获得江苏省网络空间安全学会科技进步一等奖,项目题目:高速网络的全流量智能测量关键技术研发
- 2024: 获得江苏省网络空间安全学会优秀学术成果论文奖,论文题目:Accurate and O(1)-time query of per-flow cardinality in high-speed networks,作者:肖卿俊、蔡月啸、曹云鹏、陈世刚
- 2023: 在江苏省网络空间安全学会科技进步奖、优秀科技工作者、青年科技奖、优秀博/硕士学位论文奖评选中,获得优秀科技工作者称号
- 2022: 江苏省科学技术厅的“江苏省科学技术奖”评选中,项目“Tbps级全流量态势智能感知关键技术的研发及产业化”获得一等奖(第3完成人),2021-1-1-R3
- 2022: 入选2022年江苏省科技副总项目,依托江苏省易安联网络技术有限公司
- 2022: 江苏省“333高层次人才培养工程”第六期第三层次,培养管理期从2022从1月至2026年12月
- 2022: 获得华为火花价值奖(三丫坡会战难题第二期),利用基数估算和频数估算方法,实现华为自研开源Open GaussDB关系数据库的查询优化。
- 2021: 在2021年度江苏省计算机学会科学技术奖、优秀科技工作者、青年科技奖、优博、优硕评选中,获评 "江苏省计算机学会青年科技奖"
- 2020: 在中国CICC指挥与控制学会2020年“全国科技工作者日”评选中,被授予“CICC科技精英奖”称号
- 2016: 国际计算机学会ACM南京分部2016年度科研新星奖,"Academic Rising Star" award bestowed by ACM Nanjing Chapter for the entire Jiangsu province
- 2011: Academic presentation award - 2nd runner-up, in Dept. COMP of HKPU
- 2004: Scholarship for full-time postgraduate study in Shanghai JiaoTong University
- 1999 - 2002: Be awarded the first class scholarship for consecutive three years during undergraduate study
- 2000: Be awarded the first prize in advanced calculus competition of JiangSu province
Students' Awards
Technical Program Committee Member
"In my experience, most stuff that you start is mediocre for a really long time before it actually gets good. And you can't tell if it's going to be good until you're really late in the process. So the only thing you can do is have faith that if you do enough stuff, something will turn out great and really surprise you."
--- Ira Glass:
The Wrong Stuff
"A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if its performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E."
--- Tom Mitchell, Carnegie Mellon University
Refereed Publications from Other Sources
- 肖卿俊, 张铨炜, 蔡月啸, "基于通用略图的高速网络逐流基数和分布函数的估算方法," 专利号2023113287278, 2023.
- 肖卿俊, 胡雄钦, "基于略图结构的网络流基数在线实时估算方法," 专利号ZL202110633705.7, 2022.
Conference Papers
- Liang Zheng, Qingjun Xiao*, Xuyuan Cai, “A universal sketch for estimating heavy hitters and per-element frequency moments in data streams with bounded deletions”, in Proc. of ACM SIGMOD (CCF A), 2024.
- Qifan Zhang, Liang Zheng, Liukun He, Jiaming Zhang, Qingjun Xiao*, “Unbiasedly estimate temporal Katz centrality and identify top-K vertices in streaming graph”, in Proc. of APWebWAIM (CCF C), published by Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2024.
- Guannan Pan, Yongchao Zhang, Qingjun Xiao*, “Bucket-level elastic cuckoo filter based on consistent hashing with higher memory efficiency”, in Proc. of IEEE ICNP (CCF B), 2023.
- Hao Su, Qingjun Xiao*, “Online detection of 1D and 2D hierarchical superspreaders in high-speed networks”, in Proc. of IEEE APNet (Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking) (CCF C), 2023.
- Qingjun Xiao, Haotian Wang, Guannan Pan, “Accurately identify time-decaying heavy hitters by decay-aware cuckoo filter along kicking path”, in Proc. of IEEE IWQoS (CCF B), 2022. (acceptance rate 24.3%)
- Qingjun Xiao, Xiongqin Hu, Shigang Chen, “Supporting flow-cardinality queries with O(1) time complexity in high-speed networks”, in Proc. of IEEE IWQoS (CCF B), 2021. (acceptance rate 25%)
- Qingjun Xiao, Lin Wen, “Multi-resolution odd sketch for mining Jaccard similarities between dynamic streaming sets”, in Proc. of IEEE CSCWD (CCF C), 2021.
- Yu-e Sun, He Huang, Chaoyi Ma, Shigang Chen, Yang Du, Qingjun Xiao, “Online spread estimation with non-duplicate sampling”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (CCF A), 2020.
- Qingjun Xiao, Zhiying Tang, Shigang Chen, “Universal online sketch for tracking heavy hitters and estimating moments of data streams”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (CCF A), pages 974-983, 2020. (acceptance rate 19.8%)
- Zhiying Tang, Qingjun Xiao*, Junzhou Luo, “A memory-compact and fast sketch for online tracking heavy hitters in a data stream,” in Proc. of ACM TURC'19 SIGCOMM China, 2019. (acceptance ratio 103/278=37%, win the BEST PAPER AWARD)
- Jiyang Chen, Qingjun Xiao*, “Memory-compact membership lookup for multiple data sets by a single bloom filter”, Proc. of IEEE ICCC 2018.
- Shang Gao, Zhe Peng, Bin Xiao, Qingjun Xiao, Yubo Song, “SCoP: Smartphone energy saving by merging push services in fog computing,” Proc. of IEEE IWQoS (CCF B), 2017. (acceptance ratio 29/146=19.9%)
- Qingjun Xiao, You Zhou, Shigang Chen, “Better with fewer bits: Improving the performance of cardinality estimation of large data streams”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (CCF A), Atlanta, USA, 2017. (Acceptance ratio: 20.93%, WOS:000425232200145) [Slides Download]
- Min Chen, Jia Liu, Shigang Chen, Qingjun Xiao, “Efficient anonymous category-level joint tag estimation”, in Proc. of IEEE ICNP (CCF B), Singapore, November 2016. (Acceptance ratio: 20.1%)
- You Zhou, Yian Zhou, Min Chen, Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, "Highly compact virtual counters for per-flow traffic measurement through register sharing", in Proc. of IEEE GLOBECOM (CCF C) (Global Communications Conference), Washington, DC, USA, 2016.
- Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, Min Chen, “Joint property estimation for multiple RFID tag sets using snapshots of variable lengths”, in Proc. of ACM MOBIHOC (CCF B) (Int. Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking & Computing), Paderborn, Germany, 2016. (Acceptance ratio: 18.7%, WOS:000390463900016)
- Min Chen, Jia Liu, Shigang Chen, Qingjun Xiao, “Anonymous category-level joint tag estimation: Poster”, in Proc. of ACM MOBIHOC (CCF B)(Int. Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking & Computing), Paderborn, Germany, 2016.
- Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, Min Chen, Yian Zhou, “Temporally or spatially dispersed joint RFID estimation using snapshots of variable lengths”, in Proc. of ACM MOBIHOC (CCF B) (International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing), HongZhou, China, 2015. (Acceptance ratio: 14.8%)
- Yian Zhou, Shigang Chen, Zhen Mo, Qingjun Xiao, “Point-to-Point traffic volume measurement through variable-Length bit array masking in vehicular cyber-physical systems”, in Proc. of IEEE ICDCS (CCF B), Columbus, Ohio, 2015. (Acceptance ratio: 13%)
- Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, Min Chen, Yibei Ling, “Hyper-compact virtual estimators for big network data based on register sharing”, in Proc. of ACM SIGMETRICS (CCF B), Portland, Oregon, 2015. (Acceptance ratio: 13%)
- Qingjun Xiao, Yan Qiao, Zhen Mo, Shigang Chen, "Estimating the persistent spreads in high-speed networks'', in Prof. of IEEE ICNP (CCF B), North Carolina, USA, 2014. (Acceptance ratio: 20%, WOS:000392944400012)
- Min Chen, Shigang Chen, Qingjun Xiao, “Pandaka: A lightweight cipher for RFID systems”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (CCF A), Toronto, Canada, 2014.
- Zhen Mo, Qingjun Xiao, Yian Zhou, Shigang Chen, “On deletion of outsourced data in cloud computing”, in Proc. of IEEE ClOUD (CCF C), Alaska, USA, June 2014. (Acceptance ratio: 20%).
- Yian Zhou, Qingjun Xiao, Zhen Mo, Shigang Chen, Yafeng Yin, “Privacy-preserving point-to-point transportation traffic measurement through bit array masking in intelligent cyber-physical road systems”, the IEEE CPSCom (International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing), Beijing, China, 2013.
- Lei Shi, Wenzhan Song, Mingsen Xu, Qingjun Xiao, Jonathan Lees, Guoliang Xing, “Imaging seismic tomography in sensor network”, IEEE SECON (CCF B), Best Paper Nominee, New Orleans, USA, June 24-27, 2013.
- Qingjun Xiao, Bin Xiao, and Shigang Chen, “Differential estimation in dynamic RFID systems”, in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (CCF A), Turin, Italy, April 14-19, 2013. (Main+mini acceptance ratio: 25%, WOS:000326335200067)
- Kai Bu, Bin Xiao, Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, “Efficient pinpointing of misplaced tags in
large RFID systems”, in Proc. of IEEE SECON (CCF B), Salt Lake City, USA, June, 2011, pages 260-268.
- Qingjun Xiao, Bu Kai, Bin Xiao, “Efficient monitoring of dynamic tag populations in RFID systems”, in Proc. of IEEE/IFIP EUC (Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing), Best Paper Award, Melbourne, Australia, October 2011.
- Qingjun Xiao, Bin Xiao, Jiaqing Luo, Guobin Liu, “Reliable navigation of mobile sensors in wireless sensor networks without localization service”, in Proc. of IEEE IWQoS (CCF B), Charleston, SC, USA, 2009.
- Qingjun Xiao, Ruonan Rao, Jinyuan You, “A language for reliable service composition”, in Proc. of 33rd SOFSEM (International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science), Harrachov, Czech Republic, LNCS Springer, 2007.
Journal Papers
- Qingjun Xiao, Shiwei Yang, Panpan Li, Kangying Li, and Lin Wen, “Multi-resolution odd sketch for mining extended Jaccard similarity of dynamic streaming sets”, IEEE TNSE (Transactions on Network Science and Engineering) (JCR Q1), Volume 11, Issue 3, May 2024.
- Qingjun Xiao, Yifei Li, Yeke Wu, “Finding recently persistent flows in high-speed packet streams based on cuckoo filter”, Elsevier Computer Networks (CCF B), Volume 237, December 2023, 110097.
- Quanwei Zhang, Qingjun Xiao*, Yuexiao Cai, “A generic sketch for estimating super-spreaders and per-flow cardinality distribution in high-speed data streams”, Elsevier Computer Networks (CCF B), Volume 237, December 2023, 110059.
- Qingjun Xiao, Yuexiao Cai, Yunpeng Cao, Shigang Chen, “Accurate and O(1)-time query of per-flow cardinality in high-speed networks”, IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A) (Transactions on Networking), Volume 31, Issue 6, pages 2994-3009, December 2023.
- Qingjun Xiao, Xuyuan Cai, Yifei Qin, Zhiying Tang, Shigang Chen, “Universal and accurate sketch for estimating heavy hitters and moments in data streams”, IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A) (Transactions on Networking), Volume 31, Issue 5, pages 1919-1934, 2023.
- Chaoyi Ma, Shigang Chen, Youlin Zhag, Qingjun Xiao, Olufemi Odegbile. "Super spreader identification using geometric-min filter", IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A) (Transactions on Networking), Volume 30 Issue 1, 2021.
- He Huang, Yu-E Sun, Chaoyi Ma, Shigang Chen, Yang Du, Haibo Wang, Qingjun Xiao. "Spread estimation with non-duplicate sampling in high-speed networks", IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A) (Transactions on Networking), Volume 29, Issue 5, 2021.
- Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, You Zhou, Junzhou Luo, "Estimating cardinality for arbitrarily large data stream with improved memory efficiency", IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A) (Transactions on Networking), Volume 28, Issue 2, pages 433-446, April 2020. (WOS:000528838300001)
- Qingjun Xiao, Youlin Zhang, Shigang Chen, Min Chen, Jia Liu, Guang Cheng, Junzhou Luo, "Estimating cardinality of arbitrary expression of multiple tag sets in a distributed RFID system", IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A) (Transactions on Networking), Volume 27, Issue 2, pages 748-762, April 2019. (WOS:000465307500021)
- Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, Jia Liu, Guang Cheng, Junzhou Luo, "A protocol for simultaneously estimating moments and popular groups in a multigroup RFID system", IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A) (Transactions on Networking), Volume 27, Issue 1, pages 143-158, Feb. 2019. (WOS:000458851600011)
- Jia Liu, Shigang Chen, Qingjun Xiao, Min Chen, Bin Xiao, Lijun Chen, "Efficient information sampling in multi-category RFID systems", IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A) (Transactions on Networking), Volume 27, Issue 1, pages 159-172, Feb. 2019.
- Heng Zhang, Zhiping Cai, Qiang Liu, Qingjun Xiao, Yangyang Li and Chak Fone Cheang, "A survey
on security-aware measurement in SDN", Security and
Communication Networks, 2018, 2459154,
DoI:10.1155/2018/2459154, 2018. (ESI 高引论文, WOS:000431593200001)
- Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, You Zhou, Min Chen, Junzhou Luo, Tengli Li, Yibei Ling, "Cardinality estimation for elephant flows: A compact solution based on virtual register sharing", IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A) (Transactions on Networking), Volume 25, Issue 6, pages 3738-3752, December 2017. (WOS:000418581900036)
- Qingjun Xiao,
Shigang Chen, Min Chen, Yian Zhou, Zhiping Cai, Junzhou Luo, "Adaptive joint estimation protocol for arbitrary pair of tag sets in a distributed RFID system", IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A) (Transactions on Networking), Volume 25, Issue 5, pages 2670-2685, October 2017. (WOS:000413332100007)
- Qingjun Xiao, Bin Xiao, Shigang Chen, Jimin Chen, "Collision-aware churn estimation in large-scale dynamic RFID systems", IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A) (Transactions on Networking), Volume 25, Issue 1, pages 392-405, Feb. 2017. (WOS:000395867000030)
- Yian Zhou, Zhen Mo, Qingjun Xiao, Shigang Chen, Yafeng Ying, “Privacy-preserving transportation traffic measurement in intelligent cyber-physical road systems", IEEE TVT (Transactions on Vehicular Technology), Volume 65, Issue 5, pages 3749-3759, May 2016. (WOS:000376094500068)
- Yian Zhou, Shigang Chen, You Zhou, Min Chen, Qingjun Xiao, “Privacy-preserving multi-point traffic volume measurement through vehicle to infrastructure communications”, IEEE TVT (Transactions on Vehicular Technology), Volume 64, Issue 12, pages 5619-5630, December 2015.
- Qingjun Xiao, Bin Xiao, Bu Kai, Jiannong Cao, “Iterative localization of wireless sensor networks: An accurate and robust approach”, IEEE/ACM TON (CCF A) (Transactions on Networking), Volume 22, Issue 2, pages 608-621, April 2014. (WOS:000335821100020)
- Qingjun Xiao, Kai Bu, Zhijun Wang, and Bin Xiao, “Robust localization against outliers in wireless sensor networks”, ACM TOSN (CCF B) (Transactions on Sensor Networks), Volume 9, Issue 2, article 24, March 2013. (WOS:000316964400015)
- Qingjun Xiao, Kai Bu, Bin Xiao, Limin Sun, “Efficient protocol design for dynamic tag population monitoring in large-scale RFID systems”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Volume 25, Issue 14, pages 2080-2097, 25 September 2013. (WOS:000324306500008)
- Kai Bu, Bin Xiao, Qingjun Xiao, and Shigang Chen, “Efficient misplaced-tag pinpointing in large RFID systems”, IEEE TPDS (CCF A) (Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems), Volume 23, issue 1, article 5, pages 2094-2106, 2012.
- Jiaqing Luo, Bin Xiao, Qingjun Xiao, Jiannong Cao and Minyi Guo, “Modeling and defending against adaptive BitTorrent worms in peer-to-peer networks”, ACM TAAS (CCF B) (Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems), Volume 9, Issue 1, 2011.
- Qingjun Xiao, Bin Xiao, Jiannong Cao, Jianping Wang, “Multihop range-free localization in anisotropic wireless sensor networks: A pattern driven scheme”, IEEE TMC (CCF A) (Transactions on Mobile Computing), Volume 9, Issue 11, pages 1592-1607, November 2010. (WOS:000281990200008)
- Bin Xiao, Lin Chen, Qingjun Xiao, and Minglu Li, “Reliable anchor-based sensor localization in irregular areas”, IEEE TMC (CCF A) (Transactions on Mobile Computing), Volume 9, Issue 1, pages 60-72, January 2010.
Operating System Concepts
- Summary:
This course is intended to introduce the fundamental concepts that modern operating systems use to manage the physical computer. Students will understand the operating system kernel. The core of the course focuses on OS support for concurrency (threads) and synchronization, resource management (CPU, memory, I/O), and distributed services (optional). The practical component of the course teaches multithread programming, inter-process communication, and distributed interactions via RPC.
Knowledge of C/C++ and Computer System Organization. Any experience using command line interfaces in Linux will be useful when creating and building projects for this course.
Extensive Readings:
- Syllabus:
ID |
Handouts |
Extra Reading Materials |
[0] |
Chapter 1:
Code demonstrating the concepts of virtualization, concurrency and persistence
[1] |
Homework 1: Part 1 |
学习安装Windows和Ubuntu的双系统。如果有些同学电脑配置不是很行,如何处理?这分两种情况:1)电脑是性能较弱的macbook air。因为操作系统是macos,大部分用户程序后面还能运行,无需再安装ubuntu了。2)电脑是Windows操作系统的孱弱电脑,没有足够磁盘空间安装双系统。也可以考虑安装Windows WSL2 (windows subsystem for linux)。
步骤:Create a bootable USB stick on Windows [URL]. Learn how to How to install Ubuntu alongside Windows 10 [URL]. Learn how to install Visual Studio Code IDE for C/C++ programming [URL]. Get yourself familiar with
GNU Toolchain from Wikipedia.
在 Linux 上用 strace 来理解系统调用,看看这个man page应该strace可以attach到指定进程,监测它所有的系统调用序列。
[2] |
Template of
Report |
[3] |
Chapter 2:
OS Structures (7th version)
Standadized System Call for Unix and Linux Systems: POSIX --- Portable Operating System Interface X.
Microkernel Architecture Pattern & Applying it to Software Systems [URL1][URL2 in Chinese] |
[4] |
Homework 1: Part 2 |
1: SEED实验环境准备:Run SEED Virtual Machine on VirtualBox, with downloadable pre-built Ubuntu 20.04 virtual machine image (passwd: 4ur9). Official website for virtual machine image download can be found here.
2: OSC2-云原生技术-docker镜像制作及上传[ppt][指南下载]
Process and Thread Management |
[5] |
Chapter 3:
Process |
Code demonstrating the APIs operations on processes
An Example of RPC: JSON-RPC is an RPC protocol, as a replacement for XML-RPC or SOAP.
[6] |
Revisit Inter-process
Communication |
Inter-process Communication from UIUC CS241
Signals and Timers from UIUC CS241
Lab Experiment with POSIX Signals
The Unix Socket Protocol (不讲,由网络课覆盖)
[7] |
Chapter 4:
Code demonstrating the APIs operations on POSIX threads Tutorial for POSIX thread (pthread) libraries
POSIX Threads and the Linux Kernel, by
Linux Programmer's Manual: PThreads(7) |
[8] |
Chapter 5:
CPU Scheduling
Code demonstrating the lottery scheduling algorithm
Process Scheduler from Wikipedia |
[9] |
Homework 2 |
[10] |
Chapter 6:
Synchronization |
Code demonstrating the use of synchronization primitives Busy-waiting solution of critical section problem based on Peterson's algorithm, from Wikipedia
The Little Book of Semaphores, by Allen B. Downey |
[11] |
Homework 3 |
Producer-consumer Problem on Wikipedia
[12] |
Execise Lecture
on Semaphore |
2009-2013操作系统考研真题 |
[13] |
PThreads &
Lab 1 |
Lab materials from University of Kansas, EECS678 Lab Courses
1. PThreads Introduction
2. Producer-Consumer Problem by PThreads. |
[14] |
PThreads &
Lab 2 |
Lab materials from University of Kansas, EECS678 Lab Courses
3. The Dining Philosopher's Problem with PThreads |
[15] |
Chapter 7:
Banker's Algorithm for Deadlock Avoidance |
[16] |
Deadlock Revisit |
Deadlock Basics and Deadlock Solutions from UIUC CS241 |
Memory Management |
[17] |
Chapter 8:
Memory Management |
补充材料: Memory Introduction from UIUC CS241
其他存储相关资料: [1] [2] from UIUC CS241 |
[18] |
Chapter 9:
Virtual Memory
Code demonstrating the use of fork() and vfork()
Check the Gallery of Processor Cache Effects for the impact of cache line.
重点:虚拟内存和各种page replacement 算法,如Least Recently Used (LRU)
Bélády's anomaly: the name given to the phenomenon where increasing the number of page frames results in an increase in the number of page faults for a given memory access pattern. This phenomenon is commonly experienced when using the First in First Out (FIFO) page replacement algorithm. |
[19] |
Homework 4 |
Comparing Page Replacement Algorithms via Simulation in Python
, and A sample github project
Georgetown University, Operating Systems, Project 972 - Paging Algorithm Performance
Download all the program trace files here, which can be used to evaluate the performance of page replacement algorithms. |
File Management |
[20] |
Chapter 10: File
System Interface |
Code demonstrating the use of file system interface Debian GNU/Linux directory tree [URL1][URL2] |
[21] |
Chapter 11: File
System Implementation |
inode-Based File Systems
Design of the FAT file system from Wikipedia
[22] |
Chapter 12: Mass
Storage Structure |
I/O Scheduling, Sometimes called 'disk scheduling', from Wikipedia |
I/O Systems |
[23] |
Chapter 13: I/O Systems |
[24] |
Final Review Lesson |
Execise Lecture on Semaphore
Execise Lecture on Memory and Storage System
Execise Lecture on Deadlock
短学期实验课 |
[25] |
Introduction |
20-21-1操作系统课程设计指导手册.docx (17-18-1旧版指导手册)
VMware虚拟机Player 6.0.2
VMware虚拟机Player 12.0.0
如果有同学遇到VMware player导致宿主机操作系统蓝屏的问题,可以在这个链接里面下载更高版本的VMware player
Fedora 7虚拟机镜像(需要编译的Linux-2.6.21内核源码在桌面)
参考资料:《Linux操作系统实验教程》,在线购买Amazon链接, by 罗宇,陈燕晖,文燕军,电子工业出版社,2009。 |
[26] |
Lab 1 |
编译Linux内核 (必做), 新增Linux系统调用 (必做),Linux进程管理及其扩展 (必做)
Learn how to compile linux kernel and add a system call to linux kernel.
[27] |
Lab 2 |
[28] |
Lab 3 |
了解BPF机制,掌握利用BPF工具对系统进行跟踪与探测的方法。 |
Current Students
- Ph.D. Students
- Third-year Ph.D. Candidates:
- Kangying Li (李慷英)
- Jun Ma (马骏)
- Yongchao Zhang (张永超)
- Second-year Ph.D. Candidates:
- First-year Ph.D. Candidates:
- Liukun He (何刘坤)
- Hang Chen (陈航)
- Postgraduates:
- Third-year postgraduates:
- Quanwei Zhang (张铨炜):国家奖学金,CCF B类论文发表,维多利亚大学PhD
- Ruizhi Liu (刘瑞之):印第安納大學伯明頓分校(Indiana University Bloomington/IUB),博士升学
- Yuexiao Cai (蔡月啸):国家奖学金,CCF A类论文发表,IntelP4可编程交换机比赛全国一等奖,小红书(上海)
- Yifei Li (李逸飞):CCF B类论文发表,IntelP4可编程交换机比赛全国一等奖,华为(南京)
- Shiwei Yang (杨士伟):JCR Q1论文发表,小米(南京)
- Guangcheng Yin (殷广成):中国星网(上海)
- Xupeng Zhou (周煦彭):华为(上海)
- Yuyu Tan (谭宇宇):阿里云(北京)
- Quanwei Liu (刘全伟):扬州国安局
- Zhuomin Tong (仝卓民):字节跳动(杭州)
- Qi Lu (路琦):众安保险(上海)
- Xiuwen Hu (胡修闻):菜鸟网络
- Jingfeng Wang (王经锋):中国移动南京省公司
- Second-year postgraduates:
- 吴烨柯
- 俞洪福
- 朱靖宇
- 郑江涛
- 张嘉明
- 吴炳金
- 张弛
- 张崎凡
- 郭晨阳
- 许志苗
- 胡越
- First-year postgraduates:
- 李婷婷
- 唐泽平
- 金子昂
- 罗永杰
- 汤宇洁
- 侯泽坤
- 汤森
- 廖宏祖
- 刘舒畅
- 时强
- 周子集
Past Students
- Postgraduates Students:
- 2023 Postgraduates:
- Chang Shi (石唱):长沙飞腾
- Yunpeng Cao (曹云鹏) 1997年:Zoom中国
- Hao Su (苏豪) 1998年:中国移动研究院南京,CCF C类论文发表
- Guannan Pan (潘冠男) 1998年:蔚来汽车,CCF B类论文发表
- Panpan Li (李盼盼) 1999年:Zoom中国
- Yu Zhang (张宇) 1998年:南京市鼓楼区纪委监委
- Zhen Zhang (张振) 1995年:中电55所
- Weigang Yu (余巍港) 1997年:阿里云,AIOps运维
- Yinqun Zhang (章轶群) 1998年:中国人寿数据中心
- Ziyin Tang (汤梓寅) 1998年:淘天集团
- Hanbin Huang (黄涵斌):菜鸟网络
- 2022 Postgraduates:
- Juan Li (李娟),字节跳动
- Peng Du (杜鹏),阿里巴巴
- Xiongqin Hu (胡雄钦),字节跳动,江苏省网络空间安全学会优秀硕士论文
- Haotian Wang (王浩天),华为(FX提前批)
- Xuyuan Cai (蔡绪元),腾讯(离职),香港理工大学攻读博士,江苏省网络空间安全学会优秀硕士论文
- 2021 Postgraduates:
- Yongcai Su (苏永才), 美团
- Shaolong Qin (秦少龙), 腾讯
- Hanyu Xiao (肖涵宇), 字节跳动
- Youqiang Si (司有强), 华为
- Lin Wen (温霖), 网易
- 2020 Postgraduates:
- Zhiying Tang (唐志颖), now a software engineer in 小米, research topic -- "SDN Traffic measurement"
- Jian Lu (陆健), now a software engineer in 招银网络科技, research topic -- "Energy-harvesting WISP Tags, RFID Joint Tag Counting"
- Undergraduates:
Hao Zhen (郑浩),now a doctor in School of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University
Yiwei Zhu (朱一苇)
Bowen He (贺博文), now a master in School of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University
Haojie Chen (陈浩杰)
Changjie Shao (邵长捷), now a master in School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Hao Cheng (程昊)
Lab Photo
date |
place |
photo |
2024-01-27 |
大报恩寺遗址景区 |
2021-11-14 |
明孝陵 |
2020-10-24 |
牛首山佛顶宫 |
- 2018.04 - present: Associate Professor, Southeast University of China
School of Cyber Science and Engineering
- 2014.05 - 2018.04: Assitant Professor, Southeast University of China
School of Computer Science and Engineering
- 2013.04 - 2014.05: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Florida
Department of Computer & Information of Science & Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Shigang Chen
- 2012.02 - 2013.03: Postdoctoral Researcher, Georgia State University
Department of Computer Science
Supervisor: Prof. Wenzhan Song
Social Activities
- 2018.04 - present: 江苏省计算机网络技术重点实验室副主任
- 2014.11 - present: CCF (China Computer Federation) Member with Issue E200044148M
- 2016.10 - present: CCF 网络与数据通信专委会,委员
- 2021.09 - present: CCF 互联网专委会,委员
- 2010.01 - present: IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Member with Issue 90875507
- 2016.11 - present: ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Member with Issue 1503749
- 2007.09 - 2011.10: Ph.D., Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Department of Computing
Supervisor: Prof. Bin Xiao,
and Co-supervisor: Prof. Jiannong Cao
- 2004.09 -2007.04: M.Phil., Shanghai JiaoTong University
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Ying Chen
- 1999.09 - 2003.07: B.E., Nanjing University of Posts & Telecommunications, Jiangsu Province
Department of Computer Science
- 1996.09 - 1999.07: High School, Nanchang Issue 2 Middle School, Jiangxi Province
English Standardized Tests
TOEFL 617/670 (2002.09), GRE 2220/2400 (2002.06), CET-6 84/100 (2002.03)
Journal and Conference Ranking
Research Guide
- You and Your Research, Transcription of the Bell Communications Research Colloquium Seminar, by Richard Hamming.
- Guideline for Researchers, by Kris Pister.
"5C" law for doing research - Critical, Consistent, Concise, Clear, Complete, by Helai Huang.
How to Write a Survey Paper, by Jennifer Wong.
- Tips about How to Do Research, by Silvia Miksch, Vienna University of Technology.
Paper Reading
Paper Writing
- Editor's
note: How to write research articles in computing and engineering
disciplines, Ivan Stojmenovic, Veljko Milutinovic.
- Slides: How to write a great research paper, by Simon L. Peyton Jones, John Hughes, and John Launchbury, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
- Twenty-eight tips for research writing, by Neal Patwari.
- Three sins of authors in computer science and math, by Jonathan Shewchuk.
How to get your papers accepted, by Matt Welsh.
写好英语科技论文的诀窍:主动迎合读者期望,预先回答专家可能质疑, by 周耀旗.
- The Elements of Style, by William Strunk Jr. and Elwyn Brooks White.
Giving a Talk
- Giving technical talks, by Scot Drysdale.
- Seven Steps to Better Presentations, by Jeffrey Veen.
- Slides: How to give a great research talk, by Simon L. Peyton Jones, John Hughes, and John Launchbury, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
- How to Present a Paper in Theoretical Computer Science: A Speaker's Guide for Students, by Ian Parberry, Department of Computer Sciences, University of North Texas, USA.
- How to make presentations: techniques, handouts, display technologies, by Edward Tufte.
Poster Design
- Guidelines / Tipps to Design Posters: [1][2][3]
- Posters Advices:
- Examples of Posters: [1]
Latex and Graph Drawing
Self Learning